Aliens and Honey Bees

Actually, this post is more inclusive, I should retitle it “Alien and Insects” but the first title seemed more catchy.

On to the matter. I often wonder why we haven’t encountered aliens, akin to invasive species that everyone sees. Yes, we hear the reports, the always grainy images or lights in the sky. But where’s that NY Times headline with an actual picture? I can’t imagine there isn’t life throughout the Universe, or our galaxy. But why don’t we have undeniable proof?

So I was thinking about honey bees. Or any pollinating insect, for that matter.

Honey bees you might ask?

We see in “visible” spectrum of light. Bees and other insect pollinators however, see colors and beyond – into the ultra violet range. They can do this because they have compound eyes which are tuned to higher frequencies. So a pretty yellow flower to us actually looks white with a red or orange center to a bee.

Why? Makes it easier for the bee to find the nectar, almost always found at the center of a flower. No doubt this is an evolutionary relationship between pollinators and flowers.

So what does this have to do with aliens? Perhaps aliens operate and exist in a higher frequency. We can’t “see” them though they might already be here. It’s interesting to note that Alien abduction testimonies often occur during the dream state, when the brain generates delta waves, the second slowest EEG wavelength of the brain.

Perhaps delta waves of human sleep are a “perfect octave” of an alien operating frequency.

Writing the Horror Film…

About three years ago, a producer approached me to write a horror film for his production company.

“Horror?” Was my response. He knew me as a sci-fi writer. “Well, let me tell you, I just did a horror film and it already made it’s money back in pre-sales overseas,” he replied, confident I would get on board.

I told him I don’t write slasher films or screaming teens running through the woods kinda films. He laughed at my ignorance. “That’s so 80s. Why don’t you check out some of the more recent films in the genre.”

So I did, and I still was not impressed. But I did note, they were smarter films than the stuff of my youth. So I considered, talked to Judy about it and we agreed we’d give it a try.

What’s so interesting about writing a horror film is the structure. Now all scripts are structured, infamously known as the “3 acts” which most films do follow. But horror is unique in that the structure is weaved together with violence and fear levels. There’s certain beats that must be matched with the level of fear. You can see it any horror film. What amused me the most were the bad films: All of a sudden, the lead characters make just stupid decisions or start screaming uncontrollably because that’s the level of fear and violence they had to achieve.

We kept that in mind when we wrote Blood Pledge. Every action had to be justified and follow logically from the story. It’s challenging for sure. As the writer, your choices are narrow because you must maintain the fear and then elevate it.

Hopefully, we achieved that.